Friday, January 16, 2009

Stimulus and Israel

pro tip: if you are super duper lazy pay more attention to the bold

democrats do what they do best; welfare

that new stimulus package that everyones been hearin about for a month now is finally to appear. its in the form of a 825 billion stimulus package, but economists are expecting it to become a trillion by the time it passes. i must say as a big fan of hand outs i am pretty pumped about this. at the moment the money is divided between 275 billi in tax cuts and 550 in public spendies.

and taken directly from WSJ who got it from the associated press here are some more specific details about the plan.(i love copy and paste)

Highlights of Economic Recovery Plan


$32 billionFunding for "smart electricity grid" to reduce waste
$20 billion +Renewable energy tax cuts and a tax credit for research and development on energy-related work, and a multiyear extension of renewable energy production tax credit
$6 billionFunding to weatherize modest-income homes


Science and Technology
$10 billionScience facilities
$6 billionHigh-speed Internet access for rural and underserved areas


$32 billionTransportation projects
$31 billionConstruction and repair of federal buildings and other public infrastructure
$19 billionWater projects
$10 billionRail and mass transit projects


$41 billionGrants to local school districts
$79 billionState fiscal relief to prevent cuts in state aid
$21 billionSchool modernization


Health Care
$39 billionSubsidies to health insurance for unemployed; providing coverage through Medicaid
$90 billionHelp to states with Medicaid
$20 billionModernization of health-information technology systems
$4 billionPreventative care




  • $500 per worker, $1,000 per couple tax cut for two years, costing about $140 billion
  • Greater access to the $1,000-per-child tax credit for the working poor
  • Expansion of the earned-income tax credit to include families with three children
  • A $2,500 college tuition tax credit
  • Repeal of a requirement that a $7,500 first-time homebuyer tax credit be paid back over time


  • An infusion of cash into money-losing companies by allowing them to claim tax credits on past profits dating back five years instead of two
  • Bonus depreciation for businesses investing in new plants and equipment
  • Doubling of the amount small businesses can write off for capital investments and new equipment purchases
  • Allowing businesses to claim a tax credit for hiring disconnected youth and veterans

Source: Associated Press

ok and on to more shit

Israel is still blowing the shit out of Gaza. i was thinking about this last night and i would prefer and i think everyone would prefer that i try not to have any sort of lean with the news. at the same time it is a blog and its kind of the point of one to not shut about what i think, so what im going to do is warn prior to my opinion so it can be skipped over. so yea, this is your warning.


i feel whats happening in gaza is fucked up, and israel is violating a couple big time laws in the process of their campain. i also know they will not be punished ever as long as the US oks it.  not everyone in israel is batshit insane though, youd think they are to be ok with some shit like this but the problem is the extreeeme zionists. the people that lie and cheat to make settlements on land that isnt theirs. its kind of like the bat shit crazy right wing christians here in america its just theyre a lot more powerful in israel. if ANY politician decided they wanted to run on a platform of pre 1967 borders and give palestine statehood they would never ever ever ever ever win an election. this is a political move. they can cripple hamas' ability to shoot rockets by the end of this but theyll be shooting again because theyre retards. the point of this for the kadima party(the current ruling party in the israeli parliament. headed by ehud olmert whos stepping down and tzipi livni whos stepping up in the election against the likuds partys benjamin netanyahu) to prove itself to the fucking selfish morons of israel they are willing to be just as vile and disgusting as netanyahu, their executioner of choice. israels parliamentary elections are on Feb 10th 

the latest in this is a couple more peace accords are on the table and both parties are putting a bit more consideration in these. egypt and saudia arabia are nowhere to be found in the deal coming from hamas and a couple other palestinian organizations. prolly cause they hate hamas(love them some fatah tho). un secretary general ban ki moon says theyre close to a deal, but what does he know the un is only useful to the us when trying to systematically destroy countries like iran through sanctions ^__^

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